The Black Rose is
part of the Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose. The purpose of the Black
Rose is to participate in Memorial, Marker Dedications and Graveside Services.
In the 1860’s widows would dress in all black attire, also known as “Widow
Weeds” during a period of mourning. The ladies who supported the widow (her
friends) at the funeral would also be dressed in black. The ladies wore black
because they did not want to attract attention to themselves.
Be a member of the TSOCR in good standing.
Have the proper 1860’s style clothing. Consisting of the following:
a. Black dress or black skirt and blouse.
b. Black hat with mourning veil.
c. Black gloves.
d. Black cape, shawl or jacket if worn
e. No jewelry except jet black earrings, a
brooch, or a wedding ring.
There are no membership fees for the Black Rose.
The picture of the lady at
the top of this page is a lady in “Widow Weeds”. The picture was taken
from the book, “Who wore what?” by Juanita Leisch